It's funny looking back at something that I wrote on March 30th, 2015. Just a month before meeting Nick. It was supposed to be posted on my au pair blog but I never got to it for some reason. And when I met Nick it felt stupid and unnecessary to share it with the world, because all of a sudden my reality and future had changed. I wrote about how I'm not looking forward to going back to Sweden at all. "Right now it's very easy for me to think about the dirty streets in the cities of Sweden (if people in America can stop themselves from spitting out gum everywhere here, then I am sure Swedes can do the same) and the same boring buildings that I have seen my whole entire life. But I am going to have to stop thinking of all the things at home that I don't look forward to coming back to. I'm just simply going to have to work hard to keep a similar lifestyle that I have here."
My goal was to get my education done and then work, work, work to make enough money to travel everywhere that I want to go. Australia and going back to California were my main goals. I thought that perhaps working as a teacher in another city of Sweden would help my feelings of not wanting to go back to my hometown. But I knew that I'd be pretty bored there too. "I know some people are perfectly happy to stay in the same place their whole life and have the same job. But I was bored when I left and I will be bored when I come back. I need to travel and live in other places to stay sane. This world is too great and wonderful not to do everything I can while it's possible."
I was in a good stage of my life where I was 100% content. "It's too much fun waking up every day to sunshine, go the gym early where every single other au pair works out too, watch Navy guys swim in the pool (lol, yeah that was mine and Petronella's Wednesday entertainment!), go to lunch with my friends, pick up the kids from school, go to swim practice or softball practice and play with them until it's dinner time, then after a long day get a random call from one of my best friends late at night to talk about this rollercoaster road it is to be an au pair."
I also wrote about why I had decided a while back to not extend for one year after all. I knew I would be done living with other people about 6 months later. Or at least people who I work for. I wanted my own place, the responsibility of my own life and my own family. I talked about how badly I wanted to come back to America again and that I would save up money to travel or study there. I didn't even mention marriage because lord knows that wasn't in the card for me at the time. It's just fascinating that I wrote this and one month later I met Nick. All of a sudden I had my dream man and with that came the opportunity to live in one of my favorite places in the world. I know some Swedes who moved to America for love but who actually don't even want to live there. I'm seriously so lucky and thank myself every day for going away as an au pair.
I adore this hat that he wears once in a while <3 It makes him look like a 1920's bad ass gangster and yet classy... a classy gangster ;) haha! I loove it!
Kristie and Jon came by to keep him company and I just have to post this picture that Nick sent :P I'm glad someone I trust keeps him warm at night, hahaha!
It's super hot in California since a few weeks back, but they got some rain too
Just because his smile is the cutest ;)
When he wears eyeliner he says he thinks about me, because this is how he looked like during our first dates xD it's pretty rare that he uses it nowadays
At the preschool there is a cat that follows its owners when they drop off their son. But then they don't take the cat with them! It's a very sweet kitty but don't parents think about allergies!? Or the fact that the kids with special needs will run after it and pull its tail? We spent two hours dealing with this cat running in and out of the fence. It was sooo cute though.
Sometimes when I am on my break Nick is just about to fall asleep xD he really tries to stay awake and talk to me and I'm usually so happy that I don't care if his eyes are open or not, lol. It gives me such a boost of energy to get me through the afternoon at work.
Walked to the church again
Gorgeous spring weather - the grass is turning green!
I saw such a crazy thing two days in a row. There was a big part of the road that had a huge amount of ants on it!! I mean, they were everywhere!!! I have never seen anything like it. I stood there amazed for minutes.
If you look hot on snapchat, you just have to deal with me print screening it ;)
Like I said... classy gangster ;)
Here they finally are, the flowers!
I made homemade popsicles :) I love how easy it is. Mix together lemonade, pour it in the little container and three hours later they're done. These will be perfect for me to bring to California for those hot and sunny days.