I woke up on this day at 5am again by Nick jumping in bed asking me to pleeeease hang out with him xD hahaha. Those first few days I felt like a mother of a four year old. But I loved it of course and I would end up sleeping at least for a few more hours after Nick realized that I couldn't even open my eyes, lol. Me and Nick spent a day driving around to two beautiful places. I just wish the weather would have been better because then it would have brigthened up the nature. It just looks different then. Next time we go there it should be sunny June and flowers everywhere. We started off at bear island (Björnön) that he has seen me visit many times both in sun and big piles of snow. After a short walk along the beach we sat on the dock for a while eating snacks and feeding a duck. We also got peed on by a bird if anyone wants to know.
Then we took the car out to Engsö castle. That is a big area, also on an island, with lots of beautiful nature although it looked kind of boring on this day. The old castle was open and I have never actually been in there so we checked it out. They had guided tours and a part of us really wanted to do that, but it would cost quite a lot of money, the tour didn't start until 1½ hour later, plus it most likely would have been in Swedish. It didn't feel worth it, especially since Nick was very tired since he was still jetlagged and his ankle and back were bothering him like always. But we sat down for a while, Nick had a beer from the café. They have a church just next to the castle that is very old as well. I have never been inside, just walked around it. So we were lucky that it was open too! It was a small but beautiful room that had two giant marble/stone "coffins" in the back where the owner's ancestors from the 17th century are buried. I have been at Engsö many times and heard several ghost stories about it, so it was cool to finally see how it all looked on the inside. One day I'd love to take a tour in the castle.
After our day trip we took a walk to the grocery store. He loved this place since he found things there that you can't find in America. I knew I'd enjoy shopping with him there and that we would have a little too fun spending our money on food xD but you know what, that is one of Nick's biggest passions in life and I LOOOVE when he cooks yummilicious things, so why not! I have been wanting to introduce him to things such as my favorite kind of cheese. Grevé. We had one at home already but I told him that a new one with holes in it tastes a billion times better than an old one. And I was right. He thought it had much more flavor. And the holes really are the best ;) haha!
We worked together on making an amaaazing dinner that night. He BBQ:d slices of steak (I think it was, I'm no meat expert lol), we bought our favorite potato gratin and added green onions to it, we had corn, sautéed mushrooms, a salad and baugette bread with butter, garlic powder and grevé cheese on top. YUM!!!!! We sat outside with out parents until several bees came along and bugged us so much that we had to go inside. Unfortunately Nick came at the worst bee season in Sweden which didn't make it easy to eat outside.
There were some interesting language barriers sometimes with Nick and my parents. While Nick was standing by the BBQ he was going to say that "All of the grills have a hot spot" but it sounded like "All of the girls have a hot spot" which cracked us up xD haha. And when we discussed Nick's passion for different kinds of beer my mom asked if he had ever tried "chicken beer"! It turned out that she meant beer from Czech Republic which in Swedish is called Tjeckien xD lol! Nick passed out in bed at 10pm that night, he'd had a big day!
Today's best comment from Nick:
"You have such an ugly cry. That is why I'm never gonna make you cry. Don't you just love my twisted compliments? :D"
Bear island :)

*Caroline takes a piece of chocolate*
Nick - "Hey!"
Caroline - "You bought this with our money babe, so technically it's my chocolate too."
Nick - "Damn it, I hate marriage"

Look's like he's about to take a dip in the lake

The road to Engsö is gorgeous

Nick found a hollow tree, don't know how I can have missed this before since it is standing right in front of the castle, haha

Engsö castle

The church

A little person named Anders Luxemburg who used to work as a jester, I guess you could say, to entertain his master in the 17th century. He seemed to have been very appreciated, I wonder how he was treated by them.

The owner's ancestors are buried here

The bees really likes Nick so he had to run a lot to get away from them! :P

On our way to the grocery store - Konsum. I love Nick's flannel sweater soo much!

He just had to have a photo in front of this house since it's famous to him and our friends, they always see it in my snapchats :P haha

Grevé cheese <3 I miss this a ton when I am in America

Cooking away!

We played dice while waiting for the food to be done

Have to make sure it tastes good...

Absolutely delicious!

A very deserved sleep