On our first Friday together in a long time we wanted to do something special. During the day my sister and her family came by to eat curry stew. We used to eat that a lot as kids so it was fun to have Nick try it. He loved it so much! The great thing about having him try food with meat in it is that he can recreate those meals for our own kids one day! We will give them both vegetarian and meat about half and half and be honest to our children about how the meat industry works, then they can make their own decisions about how to live their lives. But it's important to me to have a mix of both mine and Nick's favorite foods for our kids. And since I can't cook meat other than simple things like frying meat balls, it would be wonderful if he could cook it. He has really loved all of the things he was served in Sweden and wants the recipe for several of those dishes, which makes me very happy :)
We also ordered pizza for me and Johan since we don't eat curry stew, so we ordered a french fries/kebab pizza for Nick while we were at it! That is such a Swedish thing, almost every Swede loooves kebab meat. Nick liked the french fries on the pizza although he hated them the day after because they had gotten all soggy and gross which I can understand. I didn't think about that part, haha! We ordered pizza twice while he was in Sweden and he agrees that my favorite pizzeria in the world really is the best pizzeria in the world ;)
In the evening we got dressed up. I wore a dress that I had bought years ago and regretted buying. But now it actually looked good on me, go figure! We took a short walk down to Di Spagna. Me and my family have been there a billion times and love their food. We were darn full walking out of there. Right before leaving the restaurant Nick said "You're so pretty. I love your smile and how your eyes shine. If I saw you walking on the street then you would't just be any other blonde, there is more to you. There is something very uniquely beautiful about you." then he stood up and hit his head so hard on the lamp and yelled "alright let's go!!" xD hahaha! Weird ending to a romantic monent. I laughed so hard :P
But the best part of the evening came afterwards. I managed to convince him to take a longer walk home so that he could see my old high school and the old area of Västerås. He turned out to think it was totally worth it because that whole area is beautiful and you can definitely tell that it's old. It was the perfect ending to a romantic evening :)
We made a great breakfast with fried fresh potatoes. We didn't think they would ever be done because it took forever. But the result was great!
Simple family dinner
Kebab and french fries pizza
Curry stew, yum! Miss eating this.
Agnes is soo active now and has gotten real good at "crawling". Although it's more like she is pushing herself forward with her feet. And she is not having a good time :P lol. But she needs her exercise of course and to train those tiny muscles, so she got to lay down and do that for a few minutes. She protested loud and clear but it was very entertaining for the rest of us becuse she looked so darn cute!!
Nick decided to pour a glass of water all over me xD
Dinner time!
Delicious food!! Super Italian!
Taking a walk in old Västerås