Our time was running out and I really wanted Nick to meet my grandmother before he went home. It was very important to me since she is my only grandparent who is still alive and who knows if Nick will get another chance to meet her. I would be really upset with myself if I procrastinate this until it is too late. My grandmother has demensia but she is still pretty clear in the head. She gave Nick the lemon muffins that she had heard that he liked. And we sat down to eat rhubarb pie (or as my mom said - rubber pie) which is a typical Swedish treat, yet another thing to cross off my Sweden bucket list for Nick ;) and he liked it!
Grandmother Berith told us a lot about her childhood since it is quite different from how a childhood in America looked like in the 30's. It was especially fun since Nick has now seen the farm where my grandmother grew up so he knew what she was talking about. Even I found out some things that I hadn't heard before. My grandfather's father had walked all the way from here and up to the north of Norway in the middle of the winter to work. He and his co-workers almost froze to death and all they got to eat was rotten potatoes. In the summers he built railroads for the trains that became a more and more popular way of traveling. My grandmother's father had a completely different life and owned a huge part of the forest around his farm.
Afterwards me and Nick decided to take a trip back to Anundshög since we were attacked by bugs the last time. We actually ran into my old study buddy Sussi there, which was fun since I haven't seen her daughter yet. Her 1½ year old kid wasn't even born when I went to America. We had a nice time walking around, reading the signs and enjoying the beautiful weather. One of the highlights was taking a short walk in the forest which Nick was pretty impressed by, the trees sure are tall and everything is so green. On our way home we decided to quickly stop by Sofie's place so that she and Nick could say good bye one last time :)
For our last big dinner together I reeeeally wanted Nick to make his yummy mashed potatoes. So we decided on that and a mushroom omelet. It tasted amazing, of course, and we had bought more chocolate pastries from Öhrmans for dessert. It was our last night together so we had to go all out!! For the rest of the night we were being totally silly. And when Nick heard a strange sound from the street, we rushed outside in our shorts while it was raining, to see if there had been a car crash or something. But there was nothing there. We stayed outside for a while goofing us and Nick serenaded the neighbors with opera.
We spent the evening playing games on our phones that we had found and become obsessed with. It was cozy just laying there next to each other. We gotta appreciate the simple things in life since we made a deal to not buy things that we really don't need, so that we can save up for things we want in the future. We went into a decoration/design store in Stockholm and pointed out all of the things we would love to buy. We talked about how nice it is that we always have the same taste and that we can't wait to decorate our own house one day. It often happens that we dream away in stores like that, no matter if we are there together or not.
For our whole vacation some people kept nagging on us about when Nick would be coming home. We understood that they missed him, but since they get to see him every day you'd think that they can at least let us have these two weeks out of 9 months together. It mostly just stressed us out being asked about his flight information etc. I wish they could have just let us have a relaxing vacation without having to think about Nick leaving until it came down to him actually leaving. It hurt to even think about. We couldn't really believe that we had met on Tinder and now he was in way away in Sweden with me, it's funny how life works out.
When we were having a tickle fight in bed and I sat down on his leg, Nick went "Ouchh get off me, I don't have legs of steel." then stopped for a moment and said "Oh my God actually I do hahaha" since he has a ton of metal in there after breaking his leg ;) lol
Grandmother giving Nick his favorite muffins

Anundshög rune stone

I thought it was too steep but he actually made it all the way up there - I took the stairs ;)

The country side of Sweden, where you can see miles and miles away <3 we have mountains further up north

Nick worked very hard to get this shot, he had to fight off a bee like six times

Nick said good bye to Sofie real quick :)

Lol yeah... he laid down in bed and ended up like this

Outside trying to find out what the noise was all about

I had Captain Jack Sparro in bed with me

Chocolate pastries <3

Delicious dinner

Game night!